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S&H Form: (2/01) 

Attorney Docket No. 782.1100 

In re Patent Application of: 
Christopher M. SCHMANDT, et al. 

Application No.: 09/912,352 Group Art Unit: 2614 

Confirmation No.: 5411 

Filed: July 26, 2001 Exanniner: Gauthier, Gerald 

For: Voice-based Message Sorting and Retrieval Method 


Commissioner for Patents 
PC Box 1450 

Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 

This is a response to the Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment mailed on August 28, 
2008, having a shortened period for response set to expire on September 29, 2008 (September 
29, 2008 occurring on a Sunday). 

In response to the Restriction Requirement mailed June 9, 2008, a Response was filed 
on July 9, 2008. As pointed out by the Applicants in the response filed on July 9, 2008 regarding 
the Restriction Requirement mailed June 9, 2008, the Examiner classified claims 31-35 as part 
of Group I while classifying claim 36 as part of Group II (claims 31-35 depend from claim 36). 

The Examiner issued a Non-Compliant Amendment on August 28, 2008 pointing out the 
Examiner's own incorrect classification as pointed out by the Applicants in the response filed 
July 9, 2008 (see, page 2 of attached Response filed on July 9, 2008). The Examiner's 
issuance of this improper Response is taken as acknowledgement of the Examiner's improper 
classification of claims 31-35 and 36 in different groups. 

Applicants provisionally elect claims 1-36, 44-48, and 52-63 and again traverse the 
Restriction Requirement (see, Response filed on July 9, 2008 a copy of which is enclosed). 
Further, since claims 37-41 depend from claim 36, Applicants also elect claims 37-41 . Thus, 
Applicants provisionally elect claims 1-41. 44-48, and 52-63 . 

©2001 Staas & Halsey LLP 

S&H Form: (2/01) 

Application No.: 09/912,352 

In order to avoid delay in prosecution, Applicants respectfully request that the Examiner 
contact the undersigned if there are any formal matters remaining after this response. 

If there are any additional fees associated with filing of this Amendment, please charge 
the same to our Deposit Account No. 19-3935. 

1201 New York Ave, N.W., 7th Floor 
Washington, D.C. 20005 . 
Telephone: (202)434-1500 
Facsimile: (202)434-1501 

©2001 Staas & Halsey LLP 

Respectfully submitted 


Temnit Afework /j 
Registration No. 58,202 

S&H Form: (2/01) 

Attorney Docket No. 782,1 100 

In re Patent Application of: 
Christopher M, SCHMANDT. et al. 

Application No.: 09/912,352 . Group Art Unit: 2614 

ConfirnDation No.: 5411 

Filed: July 26, 2001 Examiner: Gauthier, Gerald 

For: Voice-based Message Sorting and Retrieval Method 


Commissioner for Patents 
PC Box 1450 

Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 

This is responsive to the Office Action mailed June 9, 2008, having a shortened period 
for response set to expire on July 9, 2008, the following remarks are provided. 

I. Provisional Election of Claims Pursuant to 37 CFR §1.142 

Applicants provisionally elect claims 1-35, 44-48 and 52-63 (indicated as Group I) in the 
Restriction Requirement dated June 9, 2008. 

II. Applicants Traverse the Requirement 

Insofar as Group II (claims 36-41 and 49-51) and Group III (claim 64) are concerned, it is 
believed that claims 36-41 , 49-51 and 64 are so closely related to elected claims 1-35, 44-48 
and 52-63 that they should remain in the same application. The elected claims 1-35, 44-48 and 
52-63 directed to categorizing messages, for example, may be used for presenting newly-arrived 
messages (claims 36-41 and 49-51) including where an addressee manages the sorting of the 
messages (claim 64). There have been no references cited to show any necessity for requiring 
restriction, and in fact, it is believed that the Examiner would find references containing the 
asserted groups of claims in the same field of technology. Further, the Applicants respectfully 
submit that evaluation of all claims would not provide an undue burden upon the Examiner at 
this time in comparison with the additional expense and delay to the Applicants in having to 

©2001 Slaas & Halsey LLP 

S&H Form: (2/01) 

Application No.: 09/912,352 

protect the additional subject matter recited by tiie Group il and/or Group III claims by filing a 
divisional application. 

MPEP §803 sets forth the criteria for restriction between patentably distinct inventions. 
(A) indicates that the inventions must be independent (see MPEP §802,01, §806,04, §808.01) or 
distinct as claimed (see MPEP §806.05-806,05(1)); and (B) indicates that there must be a serious 
burden on the Examiner if restriction is required (see MPEP §803.02, §806.04(a)- §806.04(1), 
§808.01 (a) and §808.02). The Examiner has not set forth why there would be a serious burden 
if restriction is required. 

Further, the Examiner classifies claims 31-35 as part of Group I while classifying claim 36 
as part of Group II. However, in the Amendment submitted on July 16, 2007, claims 31-35 were 
amended to depend from claim 36. Thus, it is respectfully submitted that the Restriction 
Requirement is erroneous. 

III. Conclusion 

Upon review of references involved in this field of technology, when considering that 
elected claims 1-35, 44-48 and 52-63, claims 36-41, 49-51 and claim 64 are respectively 
directed to categorizing, sorting and retrieval of messages, and when all of the other various 
facts are taken into consideration, it is believed that all of the pending claims should be 
examined in the subject application. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Date: 0^/oi/2.i?€g By: yfe^n/yd^ (^^/./^^^ 

Temnit Afework 'n 
Registration No. 58?^202 

1201 New York Ave, N.W., 7th Floor 
Washington, D.C. 20005 
Telephone: (202)434-1500 
Facsimile: (202)434-1501 

©2001 Staas&HalseylLP